Dental therapy

No flaw, no pain. These are core principles of teeth treating at Dental Symphony. And it is why patients from other countries come to our doctors.
Dental therapy may restore your oral health in many ways:
- Disease prevention and professional cleaning. We recommend you have your teeth checked and professionally cleaned twice a year. It will keep them healthy for years because the doctor will detect problems at early stages.
- Dentistry. The dentist will offer you a comprehensive plan of treating the whole oral cavity—which is important for foreign patients because allows them to do all necessary operations at a sitting—or fix a specific problem.
- Periodontology. Not only teeth but also surrounding tissues require care and treatment. The most common problem is periodontitis.
- Teeth whitening. Our dentists will do no harm to enamel when whitening your teeth.
Whichever stage of treatment you pass, our dentists will select a suitable anesthetic. If necessary, we will freeze your teeth and gums for you not to feel any discomfort or pain even several hours after treatment. We give priority to painless, safe and careful treatment, so our dentists select drugs, doses and routes with diligence.